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 DDP: Derived Dynamic Programs files


What Kind of niqlow User Are You?

There are three places to start depending on your background in programming and economic modeling.
Read this to decide where you should go next.
 GetStarted Follow a simple search model from scratch all the way to simulating data and computing likelihood.
This is a good starting point with knowlwedge of solving their own DP model in some language.
 Guide Start from the very beginning with Static Discrete Choice.
 Bellman.ox Bellman is the class derived from DP that contains dynamic (across states) members and methods; this explains how the user constructs Utility, Reachable States and other aspects of a state \(\theta\).
 Variables.ox Describes how to represent actions, states, and other discrete quantities in your DP model.
 Methods.ox Read this to find out how to solve the dynamic program using different methods.
 Data.ox Handling data, simulation, likelihood, predictions, moments.
 DP.ox Static and fundamental elements of the DP class.
 DDPShared.ox Functions, classes and methods shared among all components of DDP.
 Shared.ox Components shared by components of niqlow .
 Error_And_Warning_Messages Explanation and help for numbered warning and error messages produced by DDP (incomplete!).
 TechAppendix Notation and formulas .